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Futures literacy toolkit

  • #2023 #FuturesLiteracy #Theory #YoungPeople

We tested various Futures Literacy activities (methods, set of activities, tools, games, etc.) during seven training sessions in Bratislava, Proprad (Slovakia), Brussels (Belgium) and Paris (France). Depending on the context, goal, duration and participants of the session, different modules were used in different orders during each session. We’ve developed a document to share these educational modules that can be used for courses, workshops, or any other group activity involving accessing, creating, and discussing futures. It is designed with young participants in mind, but can probably be used for all audiences. In the Toolbox, you will find a few practical examples of how we have used these modules in our work with young (16-25 years old) people.

Our partner Youthwatch continued trend research as part of their Futures Literacy activities, and we helped out. In the document you find here you can read more about the trends they observed.

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