Rethinking the city Imagining futures Futures for everyone Brussels for everyone The future starts today Rethinking the city Imagining futures Futures for everyone Brussels for everyone The future starts today

Trip of the futures

In August 2022 10 youngsters from Brussels and 10 youngsters from Slovakia  gathered in Bratislava to reflect on the question: “How will young Brusseleirs and Bratislavian bond in 2035?”
We traveled together to futures, we created and shared creations with the others, and we got the impossible task of making movies in 60 hours. We imagined worlds on how people will connect in 2035, amidst the increasing presence of technology. We had 60 hours, 2 cameras, 1 phone, some tape, some plastic, a reptile costume, a melon and a black box theater to turn ideas into films.
With a few imagined movie concepts, we started to shoot to concretise these ideas. The outcome is 3 short films. It’s time now to share them with you:


One day, in 2035, a girl is faced with a difficult decision: to leave the earth and go to live in a digital universe. Choosing to live in the metaverse is attractive, but once you go, it is impossible to return. Through a poetic narration, the film reflects the inner voice of the protagonist and gives us a glimpse into the motivations that lead her to her final decision.
Director: Léonard Degoulet
Director of photography: Romane Solé, Róbert Hojda, Vanessa Minacapelli
Scenario and Script: Róbert Hojda, Léonard Degoulet
Actors: Diana Jacková, Lívia Zajaková
Assistant Director: Alexandra Kurišová
Sound: Róbert Hojda 
Editing and animation: Róbert Hojda, Diana Jacková, Blaise Turikumwe
Lights: Karim Bouziane, Miloš Čohán
Make-up | Decor | Props | Costumes: Monika Balková, Romane Solé, Lívia Zajaková, Silvia Vimpeľová, Roman Štefánik, Kevin Balog, Katarína Slobodová, Maty Mihalko


2035 is the year where people can live and be in the digital world. Revival is the new programme where people can be fully digital and are able to be reborn. What would a rebirth in the digital world be? Does it have any similarities with birth in the analogue world? Through radical movements, we see barriers break down in a choreography that is certainly not meant to leave us unmoved.
Director: Vanessa Minacapelli
Director of photography: Blaise Turikumwe
Actors: Tomas Ntamashimikiro
Hand actors: Alena Tomanová, Katarína Slobodová, Miloš Čohán, Monika Balková
Storyboard: Diana Jacková
Scenario: Tomas Ntamashimikiro, Vanessa Minacapelli and Blaise Turikumwe
Sound: Vanessa Minacapelli
Editing and animation: Vanessa Minacapelli
Lights: Karim Bouziane, Miloš Čohán
Make-up | Decor | Props | Costumes: Monika Balková, Romane Solé, Lívia Zajaková, Silvia Vimpeľová, Roman Štefánik, Kevin Balog, Katarína Slobodová, Maty Mihalko


Maty is an AI child of human parents, being judged by other AI beings due to looking too human. During a party, he is criticised for his looks and this causes him an identity crisis The film questions the ethics of creating virtual beings and their rights. Will virtual beings exist just to fulfill our desires and needs? And what about theirs?
Director: Bori Szekeres
Art Director: Justine Cappelle 
Director of photography: Tomáš Tomis
Actors: Maty Mihaľko, Róbert Hojda, Silvia Vimpeľová,Tomas Ntamashimikiro, Justine Cappelle, Blaise Turikumwe, Bori Szekeres, Diana Jacková
Storyboard: Bori Szekeres, Justine Cappelle 
Scenario: Bori Szekeres, Justine Cappelle 
Sound: Bori Szekeres
Soundtrack: Buttechno – Pkds
Editing and animation: Bori Szekeres
Lights: Karim Bouziane, Miloš Čohán
Make-up | Decor | Props | Costumes: Monika Balková, Romane Solé, Lívia Zajaková, Silvia Vimpeľová, Roman Štefánik, Kevin Balog, Katarína Slobodová, Maty Mihalko

General credits for 3 films

Technician: Robert Klváček from A4
Venue: A4 – priestor súčasnej kultúry
Audiovisual coach: Vinco Zierowan
Scenario coach: BrusselAvenir, YouthWatch
Editing assistance: Vinco Zierowan
Sounddesign assistance: Vinco Zierowan
Interludes sounddesign: Vinco Zierowan
Audiovisual interludes: Vinco Zierowan
Production: BrusselAVenir & YouthWatch 
Ellen Anthoni, Khushboo Balwani, Alena Tomanová, Maty Mihaľko, Alexandra Kurišová
Thanks to Saji Debongnie & Gateway Traffix

These films are made as part of the project YouthFutures 2035 by BrusselAVenir and YouthWatch in the framework of the Erasmus plus funding programme. The research question of the project is “How will young Brusselèirs and Bratislavians bond in 2035?